Song: goodbye to you
Singer: yui

*maaph kalo saya terlalu mirip yui, he2!*

And of all the things I believed in,
I just wanna carry in you; your eyes,
You spawn behind my light is but I do night cry,
Come each day past me by,

I’ll been shorting Eden my soul,
Using a heary and I’m stroting to get old,
You life I’m surfing, I’m a over again,
Last be in past me by,
And I say— right

Goodbye to you,
Goodbye to everything, what I do,
You would like to learn I cry
Hoping that I try to hold on to

Oh oh woah oh

And the horns want everything
And nothing gets the same sign

I want what’s yours and I’ll what was mine
I want to, and never give in disguise

Goodbye to you,
Goodbye to everything, what I do,
You would like to learn I cry
Hoping that I try to hold on to

Hoping that I try to hold on to

Hold on to

Oh oh woah oh

And let the stroke pass by the life thick
You’re none shooting star

In my mind:
Malam bahkan menua
Mengiringi aku yang menangis dungu
Jemu melupakanmu

Pagi bahkan tak sama
Dingin yang berganti
Tak jua di atas hati yang dingin
Ingin yang mendingin, beku...

Alunan mengusik
Hampa terhunus,

“Goodbye to you,
Goodbye to everything, what I do,
You would like to learn I cry
Hoping that I try to hold on to…”

Biarkan itu mengalun berulang kali
Aliran perasaan ini terhenti
Bersama dengan lagu ini
Aku telah melupakanmu...
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